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Use the map of OPATA County to answer Questions 1 -5.


1. The most approximate bearing or Sanda From Gana is ___.
B. 5˚
C. Approximately 130˚

2. The likely occupation engaged in by the settlers of Junta is  ___.
A. farming
B. weaving
C. mining

3. Point M as seen on the map represents
A. train station
B. church
C. trigonometric station
D. triangle point

4. Symbol X on the map is placed on
A. hill
B. saddle
C. plateau
D. Knoll

5. Munu settlement are likely to be  ___.
A. traders
B. fishermen
C. weaving
D. farming

6. Which of the following differentiates between folds and faults
A. folds is a result of compressional forces but faults are associated with cracks or-fractures
B. folds takes place when the crust cracks and faults are the result of direct force
C. folds are the causes of block mountains while faults cause volcano
D. None of the above

7. The most outstanding feature of an equatorial climate is  ___.
A. its great uniformity of temperature throughout the year
B. lack of rainfall to supply luxuriant vegetation growth
C. lack of cloud cover almost throughout the year
D. None of the above

8. An occurrence of volcanoes is closely related to regions that have been intensely  ___.
A. cultivated
B. flooded
C. eroded
D. folded

9. Which of the following landforms results from wind deposition
A. Arete
B. Bajada
C. Bacham
D. Fam

10. A depression between two hills that enhances communication
A. rift valley
B. a knoll
C. a saddle
D. a pass

11. The erosive power of a strong wind k reduced when the  ___.
A. soil is not covered by vegetation
B. soil is dry
C. land is overgrazed
D. soil is wet

12. In a forested region, one human activity likely to be embarked on is  ___.
A. mining
B. fishing
C. lumbering
D. All of the above

13. Physical factors affecting the distribution of vegetation include all of the following except  ___.
A. soil nutrient
B. Human beings
C. daylight
D. water

14. A place where water enters the ground is called  ___.
A. water recharge
B. water discharge
C. water source
D. underground water

15. A river carries its load by  ___.
A. traction
B. saltation
C. suspension
D. All of the above

16. A station where weather elements are studied and recorded is called  ___.
A. Train station
B. Air station
C. Weather station
D. Geography station

17. An instrument used for measuring the direction of the wind is called  ___.
A. Barometer
B. Windsock
C. Wind hook
D. Thermometer

18. The study of the atmospheric conditions of a place over a given period is called  ___.
A. Astronomy
B. Weather
C. Climate
D. Research

19. The best way to prevent a watershed from degradation is through  ___.
A. interbasin transfer
B. forest reservation
C. crop production
D. fuelwood extraction

20. Some of the physical properties of soil are  ___.
A. texture, structure and porosity
B. nutrients, acidity and colour
C. structure, colour and alkalinity
D. nutrients, acidity and texture

21. In Geography, action space simply means  ___.
A. industrial space
B. marketing space
C. awareness space
D. universal space

22. One of the following is the dominant staple food grown widely in S. E. Asia
A. Sorghum
B. Rice
C. Yarn

23. Fog is formed
A. when very moist air cooled below its dew-point
B. during a clear dry day
C. as a result of lightning
D. None of the above

24. All of the following are effects of earth rotation, except:
A. light
B. air motion
C. heat
D. pollution

25. One of the following knot directly related to population studies
A. the balance between males and females
B. size of population
C. the ratio of adults to children
D. growth of towns and villages

26. Which of the following regions has the highest population density in Nigeria?
A. Western region
B. West-Central
C. North-Central
D. East.Central

27. Which of the following theories explains the relationship between population and subsistence.
A. the demographic transition theory
B. the migratory push-pull theory
C. the Malthusian theory
D. the gravity theory

28. The largest city in Europe is  ___.
A. Paris
B. London
C. Berlin
D. Moscow  

29. The largest city in Africa south of the Sahara is  ___.
A. Cairo
B. lbadan
C. Johannesburg
D. Kinshasa

30. The most populated city in the world over a million inhabitants is  ___.
A. Tokyo
B. Glasgow
C. Moscow
D. Manchester

31. The main advantage of plane tabling as a survey method is that it  ___.
A. is a fast method
B. gives accurate results in most situations
C. is an all-weather method
D. requires little or no skill to use

32. Bees and butterflies are important to flowering plants because they
A. pollinate the plants
B. satisfy human needs
C. produce honey
D. extract excess nectar

33. A depositional land-form occurring where streams emerge from a mountain area in a desert is  ___.
A. a self dune
B. a playa lake
C. a rock pedestal
D. an alluvial fan

34. The prairies of North America are
A. montane grasslands
B. temperate deserts
C. tropical grasslands
D. temperate grasslands

35. The Stevenson's screen is raised about one metre above the ground in order to avoid  ___.
A. raindrops entering it
B. the influence of strung whirs
C. the effects of nearby trees
D. the heat from the ground

36. The variable which is both a control and an element of weather and climate is  ___.
A. wind
B. air-mass
C. temperature
D. rainfall

37. The greatest threat to the world's wildlife population is  ___.
A. the poor management of game reserves
B. the development of zoological gardens
C. excessive hurting
D. the destruction of habitats

38. The formation of coal is associated with  ___.
A. landslide and deposition
B. earth movement and pressure
C. heat and pressure
D. earth tremor and heat

39. A hazard that could be traced directly to ozone layer depletion is the
A. escalation of the melting, of polar and temperate ice caps
B. introduction of ultraviolet rays into the troposphere
C. submergence of numerous coastal settlements in the world
D. extension of desert-like conditions to the savanna

40. An example of a land-form produced by glaciations is  ___.
A. a cirque
B. a sand-dune
C. an ox-how lake inselberg


  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. A
  30. A
  31. A
  32. A
  33. D
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. C
  38. C
  39. A
  40. A
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