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YABATECH Admission List 2023/2024 | ND Full-Time

The list of candidates offered provisional admission into ND at Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH for the 2023/2024 session has been released
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YABATECH ND Full-Time Admission List is Out: This is to inform all candidates who participated in the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH post-UTME screening exercise that the institution's management has released the list of candidates who have been offered provisional admission into its various undergraduate programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session.

YABATECH ND Full-Time Admission List

How to Check YABATECH ND Full-Time Admission List

Prospective students at the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH can access their Full-Time admission status on the YABATECH admission status-checking portal by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Go to the polytechnic admission status checking portal at
  2. Supply your JAMB registration number and SURNAME in the required columns.
  3. Click on Sign in to Portal to access your YABATECH admission status.


  1. Please note that the offer is contingent upon the college management being satisfied that:
    • Your academic qualifications meet the advertised requirements for the programme.
    • Your disciplinary record is not negative in particular.
    • Full payment of the fees for your proposed programme is to be paid within the stipulated registration period.

  2. Kindly note that at any time it is discovered that you provided false information. used forged documents or did not meet any of the conditions stipulated above, the provisional admission will be withdrawn and you will be expelled from the college immediately.
  3. This offer will elapse if you do not register within the stipulated registration period. You are therefore required to report to the Admissions Department of the Registry for further Information and registration at the stipulated time.
  4. A link will be provided on the college registration portal for candidates to provide their JAMB Registration number before the matriculation number can be generated.
  5. You are required to bring along the following:
    • Letter of Admission.
    • Original and photocopies of your credentials.
    • Two (2) reference letters. One from the last institution attended and the other from a Clergy, Imam, Senior Civil Servant or Lawyer.
    • Testimonial from the principal of the last Secondary School attended (Original and Photocopy).
    • 10 Copies of recent passport photography.
    • Postcard-size photography of parents or guardians of the candidate.
    • Birth Certificate.
    • Acceptance Letter (Two copies).

  6. Failure to produce these documents will nullify the offer of admission.

Candidates successfully admitted into the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH ND-Degree programmes are advised to:

How to Check YABATECH ND Full-Time Admission List on JAMB CAPS

Prospective students at the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH can also access their admission status on the JAMB admission status-checking portal by following the steps outlined below:

  • To access your YABATECH admission status, go to
  • Enter your Jamb username and password to access your profile.
  • Scroll down to the 'Check Admission Status' tab and click it.
  • Choose your exam year and enter your registration number in the appropriate column.
  • Finally, click on Check Admission Status to access your YABATECH admission status or click on ‘Access my CAPS‘ to access CAPS for Admission status and other related services.

Congratulations to all the candidates who made it to the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH ND Full-Time Admission List for the 2023/2024 Academic Session.

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