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OYSCATECH Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure 2023/2024

The management of the Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology (OYSCATECH) has released the Acceptance Fee Payment Pro
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Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology (OYSCATECH) Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure: This is to inform all Students and candidates of the Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology (OYSCATECH) that the management has opened the acceptance fee payment portal for the 2023/2024 Academic Session. See the payment procedure below. 

State College of Agriculture and Technology (OYSCATECH) Acceptance Fee Payment

OYSCATECH Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure

To begin your academic journey at OYSCATECH, follow the steps outlined below.

Pay the acceptance fee: Full-time students are required to pay ₦26,000 (Twenty Six Thousand Naira only), while DPPS students must pay ₦30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira only). Note that these fees exclude transaction processing charges. 

  1. Generate the college admission letter: After successfully paying the acceptance fee, new students should visit the institution’s admission portal to generate their college admission letter.
  2. For full-time students, obtain your JAMB admission letter: Visit the JAMB website at and generate your JAMB admission letter through an online payment.
  3. Submit copies of admission letters: Full-time students must submit copies of both the JAMB admission letter and the institution’s admission letter to the admissions office starting from Monday, 20th March 2024.
  4. Please keep in mind that full-time students who have not yet accepted their admission offer on the JAMB CAPS system must do so as soon as possible to avoid losing their admission offers.

Don't pass up the opportunity to attend OYSCATECH for the 2023/2024 Academic Session. To secure your spot as a new student at OYSCATECH, follow these steps to pay your acceptance fee and obtain the necessary admission letters.

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