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UI Distance Learning Admission Form 2023/2024

The management of the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre (UI DLC) has released the Admission form for the 2023/2024 Academic Session
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UI Distance Learning Admission FormThe University of Ibadan (UI) has expanded its undergraduate offerings to include two modes of instruction: traditional in-person instruction and the innovative Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL) approach. As a result, the University has implemented the "Equality of Recognition" policy, which ensures that students in both learning modes have the same rights and opportunities.

UI Distance Learning Admission Form
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Students in both in-person/face-to-face and ODeL learning environments follow the same syllabus, take identical exams, are instructed by the same educators/facilitators, receive the same prestigious UI diploma, and are eligible for National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) mobilisation under this policy.


In order to increase access to UI ODeL programmes, the University is pleased to announce that the enrollment process for the 2023/2024 Academic Session of the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre will begin on October 13, 2023. Eligible applicants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and apply.

UI Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) Courses

Candidates can apply for the sixteen ODeL-mode University Programs listed below, which span five faculties:

FacultyDegree Program
Faculty of ArtsB.A English
Faculty of ArtsB.A Philosophy and Public Affairs
Faculty of ArtsB.A History and Diplomatic Studies
Faculty of ArtsB.A Communication and Language Arts
Faculty of The Social SciencesB.Sc. Psychology
Faculty of The Social SciencesB.Sc. Economics
Faculty of The Social SciencesB.Sc. Political Science
Faculty of The Social SciencesB.Sc. Sociology
Faculty of EducationB.Ed. Adult Education
Faculty of EducationB.Ed. Educational Management
Faculty of EducationB.Ed. Counselling and Human Development Studies
Faculty of EducationBLIS. Library and Information Studies
Faculty of EducationBSW. Social Work
Faculty of ScienceB.Sc. Computer Science
Faculty of ScienceB.Sc. Statistics

Statutory Admission Requirements for UI Open Distance eLearning (ODeL).

  • To qualify for undergraduate courses at the 100 level, applicants must have credit passes in five (5) relevant WAEC/NECO/GCE subjects, as well as distinctions or upper credits in A' Levels, NCE, OND, HND, and degrees, in addition to the required O'Level credit passes for 200 level direct entry candidates. The Bachelor of Nursing Science degree is only available to Registered Nurses (RNs) and Direct Entry candidates.
  • Applicants who scored at least 40% aggregate in the University POST UTME examination but were unable to secure admission through the face-to-face mode due to limited capacity will be given priority. Candidates in this category must switch to a different study mode on the application portal.

How to Apply for UI Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) Admission


To apply for the UI's ODeL programme, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the UI Distance Learning Portal at and fill out the banner field with your JAMB registration number or email address.
  2. Your eligibility status will be communicated to you via the application processing admission portal.
  3. Click "Apply," review the requirements, and select your preferred programme from the 16 ODeL options available.
  4. Provide your name and contact information. The school will contact you about your admission via the email and phone number you provide, so make sure they are both valid and accessible.
  5. Confirm your information and make your payment. You can pay online through the Remita interface, print your RRR for bank payment, or use Remita-integrated internet banking apps.
  6. Your payment will be routed to your application portal page. If not, go to the payment page and click "ReQuerry payment" to update your transaction status.
  7. After a successful transaction, update your biodata, upload your credentials, and submit your application. Within a few days, the university will contact you about your admission status or the next steps.

NOTE: Before paying for the application form, prospective candidates should carefully review the admission requirements. The admission portal will not accept applications that do not meet the requirements.

The application fee for UI Open and Distance Learning (ODL) admission is ₦11,000.00 (Eleven Thousand Naira ONLY).

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