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AUST Undergraduate School Fee Schedule 2023/2024 – All You Need to Know

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AUST Undergraduate School Fee Schedule: The American University of Science and Technology (AUST), Abuja, has officially announced the approved undergraduate school fees for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session. This comprehensive fee structure applies to all undergraduate programs/courses offered at AUST Abuja. Additionally, we have provided a breakdown of the fees based on two categories: resident students and day students. We encourage you to carefully review the information presented below to gain a complete understanding of the fees associated with pursuing your education at AUST.

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AUST Undergraduate School Fee Schedule

AUST Undergraduate School Fee Schedule

We would like to inform the general public, especially full-time undergraduate students at the African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, that the university's management has released the school fees structure for the 2023/2024 academic session. This detailed fee structure encompasses both full-time and part-time students of the institution.

Undergraduate Tuition Fees for 2023/2024 Academic Session

The following table outlines the tuition fees per semester and per session for undergraduate programs at AUST:

ProgramsDurationTuition Fees per SemesterTuition Fees per Session
School of Administration, Business & Management Sciences (B.Sc.)8 Semesters/4 YearsN750,000N1,500,000
Business Administration   
School of Computing (B.Sc.)8 Semesters/4 YearsN750,000N1,500,000
Computer Science   
Software Engineering   
School of Engineering (B.Eng.)10 Semesters/5 YearsN750,000N1,500,000
Civil Engineering   
Materials & Metallurgical Engineering   
Mechanical Engineering   
Petroleum & Energy Resources Engineering   


  • The duration of each semester is 6 months.
  • The tuition fees include laboratory fees, library fees, ICT services fees, medical services fees, and sporting facilities fees.

Other Fees

Apart from the tuition fees, AUST also offers various optional services and facilities for which additional fees may apply. Please find the relevant information below:

Other FeesDurationFees per SemesterTotal Fees
Campus Housing [Optional]   
Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall [Shared Room]1-year leaseN200,000N400,000
Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall [Single Room]1-year leaseN300,000N600,000
Kwame Nkrumah Hall [Shared Room]1-year leaseN200,000N400,000
Kwame Nkrumah Hall [Single Room]1-year leaseN250,000N500,000
Julius Nyerere Hall [Single Room]1-year leaseN325,000N650,000
Meals [Optional]1 yearN414,000N828,000
Gym [Optional]1 year-N60,000
Field Trips1 yearTo be determined-
Laundry Services [Optional]1 yearN102,950N205,900
Reimbursable Caution Fee1 year-N100,000

We hope that the above information provides you with a clear understanding of the undergraduate school fees for the 2023/2024 academic session at the American University of Science and Technology, Abuja. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional details, please don't hesitate to contact the university's administration. We wish you the best of luck in your educational journey at AUST.

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