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Christopher University Post-UTME/DE Form 2024/2025: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

The management of the Christopher University has released the Post-UTME/DE Form for 2024/2025: See How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline
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Christopher University Post-UTME/DE Form: The school management of Christopher University is delighted to announce the availability of the Post-UTME/DE Form for the year 2024. This article provides comprehensive information on the cut-off mark, requirements, and the application process for prospective candidates. See the Christopher University School Fees Schedule

Christopher University Post-UTME/DE Form

General Requirements

To gain admission into Christopher University, candidates must meet the following minimum entry requirements:

  1. Obtained a minimum of five credit level passes in subjects at the SSCE/GCE/O-Level/NECO/NABTEB or equivalent, acquired in not more than two sittings.
  2. The subjects must include English Language and Mathematics. It is important to note that specific schools and departments may have additional requirements.

JAMB Prerequisites

Candidates interested in applying to Christopher University must meet the following JAMB prerequisites for the 2024/2025 academic session:

  1. Register and sit for the UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) conducted by the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board (JAMB).
  2. Attain the prescribed cut-off mark set by JAMB for admission into Nigerian Universities.
  3. Ensure that the UTME subject combination aligns with the chosen programme of study.

Mode of Application

The application process for Christopher University is conducted online. Follow the steps below to apply:

  1. Visit the official website of Christopher University at
  2. Complete the application form with accurate and relevant information.
  3. Ensure you have sat for the last Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and possess credit level passes in five subjects at the SSCE/GCE/O-Level/NECO/NABTEB or equivalent, acquired in not more than two sittings.

Payment and Document Submission

Once you have met the requirements mentioned above, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Visit any of the designated bank branches to pay the application fee of ₦10,000.00 to Christopher University.
  2. Provide proof of payment along with copies of your UTME result, O' level result (SSCE/GCE/O-Level/NECO/NABTEB, not exceeding two sittings), birth certificate, and three passport photographs when you come to the University.

Application Processing and Admission Letter

Upon submission of the required documents, the university will screen and verify your application. You will receive a notification via your provided email address once your application is processed. Subsequently, your admission letter will be sent to the same email address.

We encourage all interested and qualified candidates to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for admission to Christopher University. For any further inquiries, please visit the official website or contact the admissions office directly.

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