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UMYU Post-UTME/DE Screening Form 2023/2024: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

The management of Umaru Musa Yar'adua University (UMYU) has released the Post UTME/Direct Entry Screening form for the 2023/2024 academic session
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UMYU Post-UTME/DE Screening Form: This is to inform all candidates who sat for the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) that the management of Umaru Musa Yar'adua University (UMYU) has released the Post UTME/Direct Entry Screening form for the 2023/2024 academic session and is scheduled to commence on 11th October 2023.

UMYU Post-UTME/DE Screening Form

Key Dates for UMYU Post UTME/DE Registration 2023 

The UMYU 2023 Post UTME/DE registration period is as follows:

  • Commencement Date: October 11, 2023
  • Closing Date: November 24, 2023
  • Aptitude Test Date: November 25, 2023

UMYU Post UTME/DE Screening Eligibility

To be eligible for the aptitude test, candidates must select UMYU as their first choice institution and meet all admission requirements for their chosen program. Additionally, direct entry applicants are also encouraged to register.

Check Out: UMYU Cut-Off Marks and Requirements for Admission Exercise

How to Apply for UMYU Post UTME/DE Admission Exercise

To make your registration process as seamless as possible, follow these steps:

Step 1. Visit the UMYU's Official Registration Portal

Begin by visiting the official UMYU registration portal at UMYU Registration Portal. This is the first step to starting the registration process.

Step 2. Register a New Account

Once you're on the registration portal, look to your right and click on 'Register a New Account.' This will lead you to the registration form, which you must complete accurately.

Note: If you've previously registered, there's no need to create a new account. Simply log in to continue filling out your application form.

Step 3. Edit Your Application Profile

After successfully registering, access your profile and make sure to edit your application profile. This step will require you to upload your recent passport photograph and provide your biodata.

Step 4. Print Your Screening Acknowledgment Details

Once your application profile is updated, don't forget to print your Screening Acknowledgment Details. This document is crucial for tracking the status of your application.

Step 5. Verify Your Shortlisting Status

Always double-check to confirm if you have been shortlisted for the aptitude test. This will give you peace of mind and help you plan accordingly.

Step 6. Payment and Documentation

After verification, proceed to pay the acceptance fee and log in to print your Admission Letter and other necessary forms. Make sure to print and save all payment receipts for your records.

Need Assistance? Contact the MIS Unit

For any support or inquiries, the Management Information Systems (MIS) Unit is here to help. You can reach out to them via email at [email protected]. They are dedicated to providing the assistance you need to make the registration process as smooth as possible.

Prospective candidates are encouraged to follow these steps and adhere to the deadlines for a smooth application process.

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