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Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf

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Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf 

If you have been searching for Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf, agriculture bursaries 2023 pdf, saaga bursary, physics bursaries 2023, biomedical science bursary, trust fund bursary, trust fund bursary application form, sugar industry bursary, banking bursaries, we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that you get all the information you need to know to acquire this bursary in 2023/2024

Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries Online Application Form pdf

According to Wikipedia, a bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. In return for the bursary, the individual is usually obligated to be employed at the institution for the duration of the bursary.

According to The Good Schools Guide, a bursary is “usually for helping out the impoverished but deserving and those fallen on hard times“

Having totally told you what a bursary is about, it's high time we quickly take a look at the topic of today “Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries Online Application Form pdf”.

In this guide, you shall get all the information relating to the bursary and how to go about the application, especially the application deadline.

Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries 

Potatoes South Africa is focused on serving, promoting and protecting the interests of the potato industry within South Africa. The company's Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the country's potato producers' interests and the overall potato industry is served are constituted.

The Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT) was established in 2004 in order to assist students with funding within the agricultural field of study. The Trust’s goal is to ensure the continuity of skilled employees in the country's potato industry.

Fields Covered and Service Contract 

The Potato Industry Development Trust will be awarding bursaries through Potatoes South Africa, to students pursuing their studies within the Agriculture sector (undergraduate, diploma and postgraduate studies).

Students will also have the opportunity to take part in an internship and a work experience program, in order to enhance their skills and secure employment opportunities.

Once students have completed their studies, they will be required to work for a potato-industry-related organisation, company or institution for an amount of time equal to their bursary award.

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted – if you do not receive any feedback by 31 January at the latest, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

Eligibility & Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

Undergraduate/ Diploma students:

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric
  • Studying towards an Agriculture qualification (in 2nd year of study)
  • Studying at a recognised South African tertiary institution
  • Strong academic record

Postgraduate students:

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric
  • Studying towards an Agriculture qualification (Honours/ Masters/ PhD)
  • Studying at a recognised South African tertiary institution
  • Strong academic record
  • NOTE: Preference will be given to students interested in pursuing research in a potato-related field

How to Apply

Download and complete one of the following bursary application forms:

Potato Industry Bursary Application Form (Undergraduate) (.pdf)

Potato Industry Bursary Application Form (Postgraduate) (.pdf)

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application be disregarded):

Undergraduate students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Qualification certificates (certified copies)
  • Latest academic transcripts/ records
  • Admission letter from a tertiary institution
  • Any additional documents that may be relevant to your application

Postgraduate students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Qualification certificates (certified copies)
  • Latest academic transcripts/ records
  • Admission letter from a tertiary institution
  • Colour photograph (full length),
  • Masters/ PhD students: progress report/ recommendation letter from their supervisor
  • Any additional documents that may be relevant to your application

Applications must be submitted electronically via email to: [email protected]

(Insert the words “Potato Industry Development Trust Bursary Application – Your Full Name” in the email subject line).

Closing Date

31 October

(Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)

Contact the Bursary Provider

For any queries related to this bursary programme, please contact the Potato Industry Development Trust directly:

Bursary Department

Tel: 012 349 1906/ 012 349 1907

Email: [email protected]

That’s the much we can take on the topic “Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries Online Application Form pdf”.

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