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UNIUYO Post UTME Form 2024/2025: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

The management of the University of Uyo (UNIUYO) have released the Post-UTME screening application form for the 2024/2025 Academic Session
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University Of Uyo (UNIUYO) Post UTME Form - This is to inform all the candidates seeking admission into the University of Uyo (UNIUYO) DEGREE PROGRAMMES that the post-UTME screening exercise application form for the 2024/2025 academic session is out.

University Of Uyo (UNIUYO) Post UTME Form

UNIUYO Post UTME Screening Eligibility

Candidates who made the University of Uyo their 1st Choice in the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and had a minimum score of 140.

How to Apply for UNIUYO Post UTME Screening Exercise

Eligible candidates should pay a non-refundable sum of ₦2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira), via the University Portals.


  1. Go to the University of Uyo portal at or (Click on the e-portals link)
  2. Select Admission Forms Link
  3. Select Post-UTME as the Admission Form Type
  4. Enter your phone Number and Email address
  5. Click on the “MAKE PAYMENT NOW” button to make payment
  6. Payment can be made online using ATM Card/Internet Banking or at any branch of all Commercial Banks using a pre-payment slip through the Remita Platform
  7. After payment return to the online portal and click on Register Link to obtain your login credentials to complete your registration
  8. Printout the 2024/2025 Screening Exercise Schedule Slip

UNIUYO Post UTME Requirements:

  • Candidates are required to fill out the Bio-Data form correctly and appropriately
  • Candidates are also required to scan and upload the original candidate's academic qualifications
  • Candidates are expected to submit their completed bio-data forms online (please submit only once).


  • Candidates who upload wrong or incomplete bio-data will automatically be disqualified
  • No candidate is required to upload any photograph or biometric capture, as pictures and biometrics of candidates have been supplied by JAMB.
  • Candidates who do not register for the Post-UTME Screening Exercise will not be considered for admission. However, Foreign Candidates, Inmates of Correctional Centers (Prisons), as well as Blind and Deaf candidates are exempted from the Post-UTME Screening Exercise.
  • Candidates with AWAITING RESULTS can also apply.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Saturday, August 31, 2024

For more enquiries, contact:

Admission Unit: 08127691825, 08146129875
Bursary: 08175613695 ICT: 08165382618

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