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FUBK Registration Procedure 2023/2024 New Students

The registration procedure for all the 2023/2024 academic session for fresh undergraduate students of the Federal University, Birnin Kebbi
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Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Registration Procedure: The Federal University, Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) administration has published the registration procedure for new students for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Registration Procedure

FUBK Registration Procedure


The procedure for the Registration Exercise is as follows:

  1. Printing of JAMB Provisional Admission Letter from CAPS Portal.
  2. Visiting the University Registration Portal at to generate Remita Invoice for Acceptance Fees.
  3. Payment of Acceptance Fees of Five Thousand (₦5,000) Naira Only via the Remita platform.
  4. Confirmation of Payment from the Bursary Officials at the ICT Registration Centre, University Main Campus.
  5. Visit the Screening Committee for verification of Credentials at the Students Centre, University Main Campus.
  6. E-Confirmation and Bio-Data at the University ICT Centre.
  7. Generate Remita Invoice for School Fees.
  8. Proceed to make Payment of School Fees at any Commercial Bank or Online.
  9. Confirmation of Payment of the School Fees from the Bursary Officials at the ICT Registration Centre.
  10. Collection of Confirmation of Admission at the ICT Registration Centre.
  11. The signing of Confirmation of Admission and Collection of Files at the Admission Unit Secretariat, Students Centre, University Main Campus.
  12. Course Registration at the Department.

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