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Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji, FEDPOLEL HND Admission Form for 2023/2024 Session

The Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji, FEDPOLEL has released the HND Admission Form for the 2023/2024 Academic Session. See eligibility and how to apply
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Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji, FEDPOLEL HND Admission Form: The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji (FEDPOLEL), Ondo State, has commenced the sale of application forms for admission into its Higher National Diploma (HND) Programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji, FEDPOLEL HND Admission Form


The HND Programmes for which approval was given include Computer Engineering Technology; Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology (Electrical/Telecommunications Option); Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology (Power/Machines Option); Computer Science; Statistics and Accountancy.

FEDPOLEL HND Admission Requirements

  • SSCE/ JAMB entry requirements for the corresponding National Diploma Programmes as published in the current JAMB Brochure.
  • Relevant National Diploma at not below LOWER CREDIT Grade.
  • At least one-year Post-National Diploma relevant Industrial Experience, (IT).

How to Apply for FEDPOLEL HND Admission Form

Applicants are to pay a fee of Ten Thousand Naira (₦10,000.00), Payment can be made online or in the bank. 

Candidates should visit the Polytechnic portal at and follow the instructions to complete the online application form and submit

For further details, please contact:07039139160,07030254233

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