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AAU Post-UTME and Departmental Cut-Off Marks 2023/2024

This is to inform the University Community and the general public, that the Admission Board (UAB) of the University, has approved the AAU Cut-off Mark
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AAU Post-UTME and Departmental Cut-Off Marks - This is to inform the University Community and the general public, that the Admission Board (UAB) of the University, has approved the Cut-off Mark for the 2023/2024 Admission. 

AAU Post-UTME and Departmental Cut-Off Marks

Check out: AAU Post-UTME and Direct Entry form 

AAU Departmental and JAMB Cut-Off Mark 

FacultyDepartmental Cut-Off MarkJAMB Cut-Off Mark
Agriculture 35140 and above 
Arts 35140 and above 
Mass communication 50200 and above 
Theatre & Media Arts 40160 and above 
Basic Medical Sciences 35140 and above 
Education 35140 and above 
Engineering and Technology 45180 and above 
Industrial and Production Engineering 35140 and above 
Environmental Studies 35140 and above 
 Law 60240 and above 
 Life Sciences 35140 and above 
 Microbiology 40160 and above
Management Science 45180 and above
Banking & Finance 35140 and above 
Public Administration 38140 and above 
Medical Laboratory Science 55220 and above 
Physical Sciences 35140 and above 
Social Sciences 35140 and above 
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