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List of Courses Offered in FUTMINNA

List of Courses Offered in FUTMINNA, brief history of FUTMINNA and departments in the university
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List of Courses Offered in FUTMINNA - The Federal University of Technology, Minna, FUTMINNA is a Federal Government-possessed and operated Nigerian university.

The Federal University of Technology, Minna, FUTMINNA has been officially accredited and/ or honoured by the National Universities Commission( NUC), Nigeria.

Table of Contents

List of Courses Offered in FUTMINNA

Some of the questions we have received in regard to this topic include;

  • What are the courses offered at FUTMINNA?
  • FUTMINNA undergraduate courses
  • Does FUTMINNA offer Medicine and Surgery?
  • What are the departments in FUTMINNA?
  • FUTMINNA courses for art students
  • FUTMINNA courses for Science students
  • List of courses offered in FUTMINNA
  • All science courses offered in FUTMINNA
  • FUTMINNA courses and school fees
  • What is FUTMINNA Cut-off mark?

Brief History of Federal University of Technology, FUTMINNA 

The Federal University of Technology, Minna was established on 1st February 1983. The pioneer Vice-Chancellor was Professor J.O. Ndagi who served from 1983 to 1990. Prof Musbau Adewumi Akanji was appointed on the 3rd of December, 2012 and completed his tenure on the 2nd of December, 2017. General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida GCFR, fss, mni (rtd) founded the University of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology on June 2nd 1992. And since then work had started in earnest for the physical development of the Main Campus which in phase I consists of the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT), School of Environmental Technology (SET), School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET) Buildings, Students Hostels, Students Center, University Library, Senate Building, Staff houses, Computer Centre as well as the Industrial Development Centre.


The Federal University of Technology, Minna official website is

The University of Lagos has been recognised as a Centre for Excellence in Computer Science by the National Universities Commission. In pursuit of this, the University obtained Internet connectivity towards the end of 1998, acquired its VSAT facility in 2003, and by the 2005/2006 academic session students' registration was conducted online.

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Faculties in the Federal University of Technology Minna, FUTMINNA 

FUTMINNA currently offer admission into seven faculties of the University listed below.

Below is a list of available faculties at the Federal University of Technology, FUTMINNA:
  1. Engineering and Engineering Technology
  2. Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
  3. Faculty of Environmental Technology
  4. Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
  5. Faculty of Life Sciences
  6. Faculty of Physical Sciences
  7. Faculty of Science and Technology Education

FUTMINNA Courses & Programmes

Below is the list of courses offered at the Federal University of Technology, FUTMINNA:

Faculty of Engineering and Engineering Technology

  1. Agriculture and Bio-resources Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Computer Engineering
  5. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. Mechatronics Engineering
  8. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
  9. Telecommunication Engineering

Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

  1. Agricultural Economics and Extension Technology
  2. Animal Production
  3. Crop Production
  4. Food Science and Technology
  5. Soil Science and Land Management and Water Resources
  6. Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology

Faculty of Environmental Technology

  1. Architecture
  2. Building Technology
  3. Estate Survey and Valuation
  4. Quantity Surveying
  5. Surveying and Geoinformatics
  6. Urban and Regional Planning

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

  1. Computer Science
  2. Cyber Security Science
  3. Information and Media Technology
  4. Library Information Technology

Faculty of Life Sciences

  1. Biological Science
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Microbiology

Faculty of Physical Sciences

  1. Chemistry
  2. Geography
  3. Geology
  4. Geophysics
  5. Mathematics
  6. Physics
  7. Statistics

Faculty of Science and Technology Education

  1. Industrial and Technology Education
  2. Science Education
  3. Educational Technology
  4. Communication Education

Now that you know the complete list of Courses Offered at Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba (AAUA), it is also important to know the Federal University of Technology, Minna, FUTMINNA Cut off marks. We have published a list of Approved LAUTECH Cut off marks in order for you to know the preferred Cut off-point before applying.

We have also published the admission requirements and how to obtain the Federal University of Technology, Minna, FUTMINNA admission form successfully on your first attempt without any hindrance.

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