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ACEONDO Cut-Off Marks For 2023/2024 Session | NCE And Degree Admission

The cut-off marks for admission into the NCE and degree programmes of the Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (ACEONDO) during the 2023/2024 session
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ACEONDO Cut-Off Marks - The management of the Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, has released the cut-off marks for the NCE and Degree programmes admission exercise for the 2023/2024 academic session.

ACEONDO Cut-Off Marks

Adeyemi College of Education NCE Cut-Off Mark 2023

The cut-off mark for all NCE courses listed below at Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (ACEONDO) is 120. Only candidates with a minimum score of 120 are eligible to apply for the following degree programmes:

  1. Adult and Non-Formal Education
  2. Agricultural Science (Double Major)
  3. Arabic/French
  4. Biology/Chemistry
  5. Biology/Geography
  6. Biology/Integrated Science
  7. Biology/Physics
  8. Business Education
  9. Chemistry/Integrated Science
  10. Chemistry/Mathematics
  11. Chemistry/Physics
  12. Christian Religious Studies/Economics
  13. Christian Religious Studies/English
  14. Christian Religious Studies/French
  15. Christian Religious Studies/Geography
  16. Christian Religious Studies/Hausa
  17. Christian Religious Studies/History
  18. Christian Religious Studies/Igbo
  19. Christian Religious Studies/Social Studies
  20. Christian Religious Studies/Yoruba
  21. Computer Education/Chemistry
  22. Computer Education/Economics
  23. Computer Education/Physics
  24. Computer Science Education/Integrated Science
  25. Computer Science Education/Mathematics
  26. Early Childhood Care Education
  27. Economics/Geography
  28. Economics/History
  29. Economics/Igbo
  30. Economics/Mathematics
  31. Economics/Social Studies
  32. English/French
  33. English/Geography
  34. English/Hausa
  35. English/History
  36. English/Islamic Studies
  37. English/Social Studies
  38. English/Yoruba
  39. Fine and Applied Arts (Double Major)
  40. French/Hausa
  41. French/History
  42. French/Igbo
  43. French/Igbo L2
  44. French/Islamic Studies
  45. French/Social Studies
  46. French/Yoruba
  47. Geography/History
  48. Geography/Integrated Science
  49. Geography/Mathematics
  50. Hausa/Economics
  51. Hausa/History
  52. Hausa/Islamic Studies
  53. Hausa/Social Studies
  54. Hausa/Yoruba
  55. History/Islamic Studies
  56. History/Yoruba
  57. Home Economics (Double Major)
  58. Igbo/Islamic Studies
  59. Igbo/Social Studies
  60. Igbo/Yoruba
  61. Integrated Science/Mathematics Education
  62. Integrated Science/Physics
  63. Islamic Studies/Christian Religious Studies
  64. Islamic Studies/Economics
  65. Islamic Studies/Geography
  66. Islamic Studies/Social Studies
  67. Islamic Studies/Yoruba
  68. Mathematics/Physics
  69. Music/Yoruba
  70. Physical and Health Education (Double Major)
  71. Primary Education Studies
  72. Social Studies/Yoruba

Adeyemi College of Education Degree Cut-Off Mark

The cut-off mark for all degree courses listed below at Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (ACEONDO) is 200. Only candidates with a score of at least 200 are eligible to apply for the following degree programmes:

  1. Agricultural Science and Education
  2. Business Education
  3. Education and Biology
  4. Education and Chemistry
  5. Education and Economics
  6. Education and English Language
  7. Education and French
  8. Education and Geography
  9. Education and History
  10. Education and Integrated Science
  11. Education and Mathematics
  12. Education and Physics
  13. Education and Religious Studies
  14. Education and Social Studies
  15. Education and Yoruba
  16. Education Fine and Applied Arts
  17. Guidance and Counselling
  18. Home Economics and Education
  19. Physical and Health Education
  20. Teacher Education Science

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