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IAUE Batch C Admission List for 2023/2024 Session | Batch A, B & C

The Admission list of candidates offered provisional admission into the IAUE Degree programmes for the 2023/2024 session has been released
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IAUE Admission List: This is to inform the general public that the Batch A, B and Batch C list of candidates offered provisional admission to the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, IAUE for the 2023/2024 academic session has been released.

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, IAUE Admission List

We are pleased to inform you that the batch C list of successful candidates for the 2023/2024 academic session has been released. If your name is on the Supplementary list, please visit the university website ( and follow the instructions for the clearance process. You can find the list in the PDF file attached to this message. 

As a result, all successful candidates whose names appeared in the merit list below should regularly visit the university website and other university information pages for the 'Clearance Requirements/Procedures. The Clearance Requirements/Procedures, as well as the date, will be published shortly.

Check out: Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, IAUE Acceptance Fee procedure 

How to Check Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, IAUE Admission List 

You can check the List by downloading the Admission List attached below 👇

Ignatius Ajuru University, IAUE Batch A Admission List PDF

Name: IAUE Batch A Admission List.pdf Size: 1.77 MB

Ignatius Ajuru University, IAUE BATCH B Admission List PDF

Name: IAUE Batch B Admission List.pdf Size: 1.98 MB

Ignatius Ajuru University, IAUE BATCH C Admission List PDF

Name: IAUE Batch C Admission List.pdf Size: 1.98 MB

Instructions to Candidates Admitted to IAUE Programmes

  • Accept the admission by logging into your JAMB Central Admission Processing System (CAPS).
  • After accepting admission, print your admission letter and result slip (coloured only), as these are required for clearance and registration at the University.
  • Payment for Acceptance Fees was activated on Tuesday 19th September, 2023.
  • Pay the acceptance fee immediately online using any of the methods listed below: Pay-Direct (Bank Option), Mastercard, or Verve (To pay, you must first log in to your profile on the school Portal (
  • The registration deadline for candidates on the UTME-approved Admission List (Batch C) is on Friday January 19th, 2024.
  • Proceed to the Admissions unit with all required documents for clearance (Check the website for clearance requirements)

NOTE: Supplementary for UTME, Direct Entry, JUPEB, Basic are in Progress…  

Congratulations to everyone who made the IAUE Admission list for the 2023/2024 Academic Session.

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